Train like a Champ with Sky Climbs

It is our goal to provide high quality, versatile and portable climbing tools.

Whether at home, at work or on the go, you can reach new heights by training with our Sky Climbs training tools.

Meant to increase overall strength and stamina, these pro-performance training tools do it all. Engineering, kinesiology sciences and vast climbing experience combine to help improve your technique. No matter where you are, you can train to reach new goals in finger strength and endurance!


Be the next GOAT!
Image of Woman Hiking Near Mountains with pine trees along an established dirt path.
Start them young!
Reach Higher Mountain Image
Reach Higher!
Image of Sky Chasing Dreamers
Plan for harder routes!

Designed to be Portable and Complete!

Sky-Climbs-Logo Black

Coach V1 Training Tool

Train as You Go!

Sky Climbs White Logo in a large size

Portable Training Tools

We are a community built upon support and education.  Our training tools are designed to fit anyone’s lifestyle.  Whether you’re a climber, athlete, or just looking to get in shape, all can benefit from our easy to use Sky Climbs training tools.